International Foundations

The generosity of the foundations that team up with AIRC concretely contributes to the progress of cancer research

Since 1965 AIRC has been continuously supporting outstanding scientific research aimed at making cancer ever more preventable and treatable. Throughout the years, many Italian and international foundations have endorsed AIRC’s mission by funding grants and fellowships awarded to the most deserving research projects.

Today, AIRC is funding more than 5,000 researchers who are currently at work on innovative projects and training programmes in laboratories located in universities, hospitals, and scientific institutes.

AIRC offers all foundations wishing to support cancer research the opportunity to fund research projects, selected by unbiased peer reviewers after a rigorous selection based on merit and innovation.

For further information about our mission and projects or if you are interested in attaching the name of your foundation to the fight against cancer and AIRC, do not hesitate to contact us. Our dedicated team will help you identify the best way to reach your foundation's goals.


Eleonora Erdas
Philanthropic Foundations and Charitable Trusts
Mob +39 3420303657
Tel +39 02 7797289

Stefano Sammarco
Corporate Foundations
Mob +39 3473479140
Tel +39 02 7797354